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How it Works
DetroitCityHomes the #1 leading Detroit Rental Website has search tools, which allow the user to manually draw lines on map, all ads property listings in that area show up as a result.
How to Schedule a Showing
Users can schedule a showing date and time for property with Property Managers/Agents as per convenience. Property Managers/Agents can respond to the schedule as per choice. 
How to List Rentals
Property Managers can quickly list properties. We promote your property on our social media platforms. We will also list your property to over 100+ rental websites including Zillow and Trulia.


Tour the grandeur of Michigan ...

Courtesy of the Detroit’s transit depot has an exciting future, but here’s what it looked...

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Ice Skating at Campus Martius. | Shutterstock From the Detroit Institute of Arts to the...

Detroit’s most iconic buildings, mapped

The Penobscot Building | When you think of Detroit architecture, which buildings come to mind?...



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"Nothing but good things to say about this company. I've never seen anything like their technology."

"The apartment building rented fast because of how we were able to obtain lease using the leads provided by Detroit City Homes."

"I found many suitable rental homes on this website. After contacting the agent I moved in within the week"

"I'm from out of state. I stumbled on this website and found great information about Detroit. I found my gem of an apartment in New Center. Highly recommend this site for out-of-state renters."